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The Quake 2008

Quake 2008
Earthquakes in the south of Iceland in may 2008.
A powerful earthquake (6, 3 Richter scale) struck the Southern part of Iceland at 15:45 on the 29th of May in 2008. The epicenter of the quake was about two kilometers southeast of Hveragerði. The earthquake was widely felt across Iceland, from Reykjavík all the way to Ísafjörður in the West fjords. The Civil Protection Department immediately announced highest alert (distress phase) in Hveragerði and neighboring area as a huge after quake was expected. The area closest to the epicenter of the quake suffered severe damage of houses and contents as this was being thrown around in the earthquake. 
The exhibition in Hveragerði presents the causes and the huge impact the earthquake 2008 causes in Hveragerði. The exhibition shows the experience of residents, how it affected the buildings, local environments and other damage. Television screens show the recordings from surveillance cameras, photographs taken by the locals and information from The Earthquake Engineering Research Centre. At the exhibition visitors can experience a powerful earthquake (+6 Richter) in an earthquake simulator. An earthquake crack that was encountered at the building site in 2003 is visible in the floor and is illuminated up for visitors.
Access to the exhibition is free but fee is taken for the earthquake simulator.


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Orkusalan 1 x 22 kW (Type 2)