LYST - Lystigarðurinn
LYST is a restaurant and cultural venue located in the heart of Akureyri Botanical Garden. Known for its lunch menu, where fish & veggies is the signature course, we craft flavorful dishes using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients to provide the perfect lunch. Complement your meal with our selection of natural wines or enjoy a cup of our high-quality craft coffee for a complete experience. Nestled within the scenic Botanical Garden, LYST also serves as an exceptional setting for concerts, community events, and unforgettable gatherings.
What is available
LYST er veitingastaður og menningarvettvangur staðsettur í hjarta Lystigarðsins á Akureyri. Best þekkt fyrir hádegismatseðilinn okkar þar sem fiskur & grænmeti eru í aðalhlutverki, og leggjum áherslu á að búa til bragðgóða rétti úr fersku, staðbundnu hráefni til að skapa hina fullkomnu hádegisupplifun. Njóttu dagsins með glasi af náttúruvíni eða hágæða handverkskaffi fyrir fullkomna heildarupplifun. Í fallegu umhverfi Lystigarðsins er LYST einnig einstakur vettvangur fyrir tónleika og aðra viðburði.
LYST is a restaurant and cultural venue located in the heart of Akureyri Botanical Garden. Known for its lunch menu, where fish & veggies is the signature course, we craft flavorful dishes using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients to provide the perfect lunch. Complement your meal with our selection of natural wines or enjoy a cup of our high-quality craft coffee for a complete experience. Nestled within the scenic Botanical Garden, LYST also serves as an exceptional setting for concerts, community events, and unforgettable gatherings.