Keyrt og kokkað
Driving and dining is Rögnvaldur Guðbrandsson driver guide and chef. Rögnvaldur can work as a chef or driver or both in the same day tour. With Rögnvaldur on the RAM 3500 modified, there can be a maximum of 4 passengers on a day trip and a feast can be arranged at the destination. In the case of larger groups, the feast is ready when the group arrives at their destination, Rögnvaldur will then meet the group at a predetermined location.
Rögnvaldur Guðbrandsson has been a self-employed driver guide since 2015. As a driver guide, he works for travel agencies and tour operators with a good reputation. Rögnvaldur has earned a good reputation and has received many compliments from tourists who have been guests on tours with him.
Rögnvaldur Guðbrandsson graduated as a chef in 1989. Over the years, he has worked in many of the best restaurants in the country, Hotel Holt, Jónatan Livingstone Mávur, Hotel Stykkishólmur, Rub 23 to name a few.
For individuals and groups of up to 10 people, Rögnvaldur serves delicious meals whether in the lowlands or the wilderness of Iceland.
A feast is served, with full tableware in a pop up restaurant set up for this unique occasion. For those who want a unique experience and enjoy privacy in Icelandic nature, this is just the thing.
All services offered by Keyrt og kokkad are customized.