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Hotel Godafoss

Hotel Goðafoss is located right in front of Goðafoss waterfall, one of Iceland's most iconic natural attractions. The hotel offers 20 rooms, including a suite with a view of the waterfall. 

The hotel's restaurant, Agave, offers Mexican dishes with local products from the region on its dinner menu, creating a fusion between the culinary technique of the flavors of Mexico and the ingredients produced by Iceland. It also has a breakfast buffet and light options for lunch. 

The setting of the hotel is unique, with stunning views of the nature surrounding Goðafoss. It is the perfect place to enjoy a delicious meal while appreciating the stunning beauty of Icelandic nature 

What is available


The hotel's restaurant, Agave, offers Mexican dishes with local products from the region on its dinner menu, creating a fusion between the culinary technique of the flavors of Mexico and the ingredients produced by Iceland. It also has a breakfast buffet and light options for lunch.  


Veitingastaður hótelsins, Agave, býður upp á mexíkanska rétti á kvöldverðarmatseðlinum, eldaða með staðbundnum hráefnum úr héraði. Þannig skapast einstök blanda af matargerð frá Mexíkó og þeim hráefnum sem Ísland framleiðir. Að auki er í boði morgunverðarhlaðborð og léttir valkostir í hádeginu.