Hotel Breiðavík at Látrabjarg
The main reason why people stay in Breidavik hotel is the Latrabjarg bird-cliff. You can watch and take pictures of the Puffins very close, sometimes you can even touch them. You have to be very careful, because there is always a chance of falling down.
Nearby the hotel area there is a wide golden sand beach, a length of more than 5 km. Dunes and sand, winding streams and a number of birds is also impressive, so we highly recommend a few hours walk on the beach.
We have good news for a fishing enthusiasts. In the hotel area is a lake where you can fish. There are a lot of fish, you just need to catch it.
Breidavik and Latrabjarg is amazing areas for hikers. Watch a video below and you will understand why.
Please contact for prices and booking information.